"How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean." Arthur C. Clarke

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

A toast to love and life.

Charlie Wilson, born in 1953, was the lead singer of The Gap Band. After the breakup of this successful group, Wilson did what so many musicians with inflated and/or bruised egos do -     went on a bender that lasted a couple decades. He has now been sober for 17 years and is back to winning Grammy awards and topping the charts as recently as 2009. 
The list of current, popular musicians who have collaborated with Wilson is... seemingly endless... 
He is a living legend.
I'm not sure why Snoop Dogg and his [real life, highschool sweatheart of a] wife are the stars of this music video, but shit! is it ever endearing.

Here's to love, here's to real life.    

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